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Call Center Headset

Call Quality Program

The Call Quality team is made up of a set of qualified individuals with extensive sales and customer service experience, and a deep understanding of how to coach your people to achieve their best results. Our Call Quality assessors and coaches are passionate about the customer experience. They are skilled in identifying areas of improvement in the customer experience and providing the tools that are needed to take your business to the next level, achieve high customer satisfaction scores and increase revenue opportunities.


The Call Quality team build trusting and supportive relationships with your team members to help motivate them to realise and achieve their full potential. We are about building people up and creating a belief that they can achieve anything they set their mind to. We promote engaged learning by providing tailored coaching that addresses the various learning styles and personality types of your people. By coaching your people as unique individuals, we are able to help develop a collaborative team that works together towards the common business goal.  


Call Quality offerings:


  • Individual call assessment – We can assess inbound and outbound sales and service calls.

  • Individual call coaching – Tailored to the needs of the individual consultant and their focus areas.

  • Monthly summary – Data collated from the results of call assessments and coaching sessions sent to business leaders at a team and individual level.

  • Monthly debrief – A personalised one on one call with the business leader to discuss findings, trends, and business improvement suggestions

  • Cheat sheets – A quick how to guide on how to achieve call quality excellence.

  • Monthly quiz – Keeping the learning process fun and engaging, we will test the knowledge of consultants and business leaders and what makes great customer service and sales.

  • Reward and Recognition Program – A way to celebrate the success of outstanding individuals with prizes that focus on key areas determined by the business leaders.

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